Saqib 世明, tutor in Sau Mau Ping
1第一 課程試用



Verified Tutor


輔導中最令人愉快的當然是看到你的學生進步。然而,更重要的是,我希望我的學生會有好奇心,能用問題轟炸我。 如果我的學生能夠遵循傳統方法當然很好,但如果他們能夠熱愛自己所學的東西,並且能夠與時俱進地創新,那就更好了。 我享受的另一件事是我的準備工作。沒有比在充分準備、理解及自信的情況下上課更好的感覺了。


教學是一個需要手把手的過程,它不僅有利於接受者,同時也有利於給予者。 有時,學生在學習時會變得情緒化,處理這些無法避免的情緒是我最大的優勢之一。在我小時候,由於父親的工作,我不得不經常跟著他出差。我原本認為這會影響我的學習狀況,但其實這讓我接觸了多種文化和傳統,讓我在情感上變得更強大,可以應對自己所在的處境。我相信,能夠在情緒上控製自己的我能夠作為導師來理解和幫助他人。 我對自己利用場景和故事的幫助來教導孩子的能力非常有信心,令我在輔導方面的極限幾乎是無盡的。孩子們喜歡聽故事這一事實讓我有機會發揮自己的潛力。


導師可以為學生做的幾件重要的事情是,跟隨他們的步伐,比如站在學生的角度,在學生有問題時立即解答,確保學生儘了自己的一份力量,如聽取他們對於學習的經歷,而不是急於按時結束課程。 一名快速完成課程的導師就好像一只懂得滿足其胃口的星鼻鼴鼠,這樣的輔導過程基本上是沒用的。同樣的,應用快速教學的課程也是如此,學生往往會感到困惑,這會影響他們繼續學習的心理能力。 在能夠教導學生之前,導師必須了解學生的想法以及他們的學習方式。教一個沒有內在動力的學生會使導師和學生更難完成有效的課程。因此,導師必須了解學生的感受、想法,然後再充滿熱情地教導學生。


  • 中文 補習
  • 英文語文 補習
  • 英文文學 補習
  • 數學 補習
  • 電腦 補習
  • 企業、會計與財務(BAFS) 補習
  • 通識 補習
  • 體育 補習

正在補習的學生👦 👧

  • 小一
  • 小二
  • 小三
  • 小四
  • 小五
  • 小六
  • 中一
  • 中二
  • 中三
  • 中四
  • 中五
  • 中六


Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo)


University College Dublin (2020-2023)




Since my childhood, I have been enjoying various sports. I have had passion for sprinting starting in my high school life. I have been a quick learner, and to be honest, my communication and social skills made it even easier for me to reach my full potential. It is a pity I could not continue in sports, due to increased requirements in academia, I had to focus on studies. Nevertheless, that did not stop my love for sports. I continue to learn through online means, constantly practice whenever I see a track, or even when I go out for a jog. In life, I have learnt to love anything that I give my time to, whether it be something of my interest or something completely new to me. I have always admired my ability to work hard, and to teach students who might have rough backgrounds, students who have ambition to learn further, or even those who have a slow momentum in learning. My attempts have always been appreciated, and I increasingly upscale my efforts when it comes to work, responsibilities, aspirations, and family life. Another field that is of my interest, particularly on the aesthetic/arts side, is acting. I have participated in Improv Festivals (using improvisational skills to carry on acts). One in particular that I remember was held in Wah Yan College Kowloon. Mingling with kids half my age and tutors not a day older than me, I realized that I could get along with children and even the mentors fairly well. In future, I would love to continue my passion for both sports and acting, whether it be as a form of hobby.


Being the eldest in my family, I took the challenge to lend a helping hand to my younger siblings with their school assignments at a very young age. To be entirely honest, I never took it as 'extra work' or 'burden', rather, I took the opportunity to polish my own concepts and teaching methods. It just occurred to me that I was learning more. I had the opportunity to be a student mentor, or a tutor, at my high school for over a year. The students were junior form incoming and needed help completing their assignments or studying for their tests. It reminded me of my young ages and how I did not have the privilege to study with a tutor, which gave me a motivation and purpose to teach the students with complete intensity.


Preschool, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior Secondary




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