Abigail, tutor in Sai Ying Pun
1第一 課程試用



Verified Tutor


Helping a Student with their weaknesses and seeing them grow is a very rewarding feeling. Not only do they learn from me but I also learn from them as they have different amazing perspectives and ideas that I would've never even thought about. Having the opportunity to be a positive impact on someones life indeed is very rewarding.


Being patient, youthful, compassionate, understanding, hard working and open minded.


The most important things a tutor can do for their student is to be patient, understanding and also support them. As a student myself I believe that with those 3 things, a tutor can build a strong foundation with a student. As teaching a student may get stressful at times, having these 3 qualities can ensure that a student could be willing to change their ways, trust in you and listen to you. Building that trust could be an eye opener for a student as tutoring is not all about teaching but mentoring someone, being their guidance emotionally and academically.


  • 英文語文 補習
  • 數學 補習
  • 生物學 補習
  • 科學 補習
  • 通識 補習
  • 音樂 補習

正在補習的學生👦 👧

  • 小一
  • 小二
  • 小三
  • 小四
  • 小五
  • 小六
  • 中一
  • 中二
  • 中三
  • 中四
  • 中五
  • 中六


Confucius Hall Secondary School


PolyU HKCC 24'


HKDSE 2022


I just recently graduated high school and finished my 2022 HKDSE, eager to get my first teaching job. I have a passion in helping others and wanting to be a good role model for people. Teaching can be challenging but as someone who likes to be challenged, I believe that I can work my way through it. Also as a great listener I can easily get along with people. I believe that even though I still have a lot to improve in teaching, I am willing to be responsible, keep learning so I can give it my best.


Although I have never taught in a formal setting, I enjoyed sharing my knowledge very much as well as being a part of helping a student build a strong foundation in a subject. Getting to do this definitely gave me a sense of satisfaction and also helped me learn more about myself as well as the student.


Primary, Junior Secondary, DSE




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