廣龍, tutor in Lam Tin
1第一 課程試用



Verified Tutor


I love tutoring because I simply enjoy helping others learn and grow. Its is such a fascinating journey to be apart of.


I would say that I have more empathy and more patience than the others. My experience in the past has allowed me to get a better understanding of the ability and limitations of each students very quickly and tackle their problems one by one. Very often, I was able to give students a push they need and achieve the results they have always wanted in a fairly short amount of time.


I think the most important thing a tutorial teacher can do is to make learning interesting so that students are motivated to learn more and more. Another thing is to help students to progress in learning a particular subject at their own pace, so that they will not be overwhelmed by the work load and drop out of tutorials. This can be achieved if the student himself/herself can see his/her own progress.


  • 廣龍老師有衝勁,有自信心及熱誠。
    Ken, Lam Tin


  • 英文語文 補習
  • 物理 補習
  • 化學 補習
  • 科學 補習
  • 綜合科學 補習
  • 地理 補習

正在補習的學生👦 👧

  • 小一
  • 小二
  • 小三
  • 小四
  • 小五
  • 小六
  • 中一
  • 中二
  • 中三
  • 中四
  • 中五
  • 中六


聖言中學 Sing Ying Secondary School


香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Highest GPA in on semester: 3.78 DSE best 5: 25 Physics, chemistry : lv 5 Geography : lv5*


I am a very out going person, and I love to interact and be friends with foreigners and locals. My favourite language is English, both spoken and written. To me, its a very practical and elegant language at the same time. However, as much as I love the English Language, I also have a analytical mind set that helps me excel on topics and subjects in the scientific field. For my teaching methodology, I like to make lessons interactive and intriguing for the students, so that they will be more involved in the lesson and hence maximise their learnings.


I have help students to improve their rankings from 6th in class to 1st in class. I also managed to help primary students to get better grades and get into the secondary school they wanted the most in the course of months. Most of the time, I would focus on one particular subject and then help them with their homework if there are any free time left in the lesson.


Junior Secondary, DSE, University


英文, 廣東話


網上補習, 上門補習, 圖書館上課