Rimsha, tutor in Tin Shui Wai
1第一 課程試用



Verified Tutor


It is important to recognise the influence a tutor can have on a pupil. You might be the reason a student gains a stronger sense of self-worth or purpose at school. You might be the one to direct a student towards the right and just route that leads to fulfilment and success. You might be able to inspire a student to follow their area of interest with greater conviction. You might be the one who pushes a student over the edge and into the course they desired, changing the course of their life for all time. You might even assist a student succeed beyond their wildest expectations by sharing your experiences, knowledge, and support. Good teachers/tutors matter.


Adaptability. No single learning approach is appropriate for all students. Tutors must modify their methods according to the demands and areas of difficulty of the learner. The tutor must also be adaptable in order to modify their instruction as the student advances. Patience. It takes patience to overcome obstacles. Some pupils can require more tolerance than others. This quality must be displayed by a tutor. Think about how successful your child would be with a tutor who is patiently challenged yet has a great knowledge of the subject. Communication. Helping children learn requires the ability to communicate effectively, using language and ideas they can grasp.


The top 5 things I believe tutors can do for students are firstly, empathy. Understands what it’s like to be a student who may lack confidence. Second, honestly. Saying that you are unfamiliar with a certain subject is perfectly acceptable. Long-term harm to both the student and your reputation will result from trying to bluff your way through. Third, be enthusiastic. If the tutor does not display a love for the subject they are tutoring, how can they expect the student to enjoy it. Fourth, be a good listener. Have good listening kills so it will be better understanding students’ misconceptions and errors. Lastly, encourage independence. You don't want the pupil to depend entirely on you. Tell them that in order to gain from tutoring, they must make an effort. By asking students to examine their ways of thinking and learning, how they study, and how they balance their academics with the rest of their lives, you provide them techniques for becoming independent and more effective learners.


  • 英文語文 補習
  • 英文文學 補習
  • 科學 補習
  • 通識 補習
  • 歷史 補習

正在補習的學生👦 👧

  • 小一
  • 小二
  • 小三
  • 小四
  • 小五
  • 小六
  • 中一
  • 中二
  • 中三
  • 中四
  • 中五
  • 中六


Delia Memorial School (Broadway)


Community College of City University of Hong Kong


Highschool Diploma


Born and raised in Hong Kong with a Pakistani Background, I was quickly introduced to a multicultural environment which I'm grateful for. Working with different nationalities and being able to use dynamic hospitality skills to make a guest happy has always been very rewarding to me. I have been a teacher for more than 5 years now and have taught ages 2-18. I have always considered teaching a big part of my life as it gives me satisfaction knowing I'm helping the youth in their life.


I have taught in at least 4 tuition centres and primary schools around Hong Kong. I tutored students to develop deeper comprehension of English course materials and better understanding of assignments to improve academic success. Led tutoring workshops for groups of students with related tutoring needs and monitored student progress and provided feedback and support. I also issued reports updating students, parents and teachers on student prog.ress.


Primary, Junior Secondary, DSE




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